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Kinesiology Tape

Hello friends of Eggert Equine! As promised, I have begun offering taping applications as part of my massage packages. Kinesiology tape is relatively new in the equine world, only being used since the 2000's. If you have never used kinesiology tape on yourself, perhaps you're wondering how this could benefit your horse?

In short, when tape is applied, it lifts the hair, which lifts the skin. By lifting the skin, we are able to decompress the fascia, muscles, nerves, lymphatic system, and the joints. This gives us so many benefits! Some of them include pain relief, decreased edema, lymph drainage, proprioception, joint support, trigger point release, and increased circulation. When we find areas that need a little extra focus during our massage session, you can think of the tape as extension of my hands, giving that area extra time to heal or reset. There is a lot of science behind all of this, and it's pretty fascinating! We're essentially reeducating the brain and giving it a chance to reset itself (i.e. neuroplasticity).

I will always recommend that this be an add on to a regular massage session rather than strictly coming to tape your horse with no bodywork prior (particularly important on a first taping). Only by doing a full body evaluation will we be able to see where the tape would be best utilized to help your horses and develop a game plan. Check out the video I have linked below for some more details! Do you have specific questions about tape? Send me a message - I'd love to answer them!

What Does it Do?

Stall Board

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  • Donec eget malesuada mauris.
  • Proin ac pellentesque arcu.
  • Vivamus eget massa sapien.
  • Etiam fringilla quis odio at tristique.
  • Quisque mattis ex ac lacus consequat, ut malesuada.
  • Dui dignissim. Ut ut efficitur sapien, nec congue ipsum.
  • Donec vitae malesuada arcu. Nullam quis massa ante. 

Pasture Board

Click this text to start editing. This simple title and text block is great for welcome or explanatory text. When writing, try to keep things down to a few lines at a time. Break up your content into different blocks to keep your page interesting.

  • Donec eget malesuada mauris.
  • Proin ac pellentesque arcu.
  • Vivamus eget massa sapien.
  • Etiam fringilla quis odio at tristique.
  • Quisque mattis ex ac lacus consequat, ut malesuada.
  • Dui dignissim. Ut ut efficitur sapien, nec congue ipsum.
  • Donec vitae malesuada arcu. Nullam quis massa ante. 
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